Medium Feed Export / articles / get yours

Take back your content

This is just an example site. But it could still be useful to show how you could import your content into a site that host yourself. Most blogs these days still run on a platform that has a database and a server and all that gubbins. But in reality, most could be hosted on as a pre-rendered site. Perhaps slurping in content from different feeds or content infrastructure.

This site is generated by static site generator called Eleventy and serves the content that it finds at a given RSS feed URL.

Give it a try

You can get your own version of this site by just clicking the button below, and then providing a suitable Medium RSS feed URL.

What will clicking that button do?

Fair question. After clicking the button, Netlify will ask for your permission to clone the repo for this site into your own GitHub account, and then create a new site for you in Netlify linked to that repo. It will also ask for a feed to ingest at build time (see below if for some to pinch if you need to).

Then it will build and deploy a new site for you, complete with hosting and continuous deployment all configured.

The whole thing should take less than a minute!

Medium RSS Linkspiration: